Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 11, Visit to A-Knox Museum

Visited the Albright-Knox museum this week to take 3 pictures of interesting art presentations.  

The first one that I liked is called "Bably Girl"   It was was done by Marisol in France, in 1963.   This sculpture is listed as a 'wood and mixed media sculpture'.  This exhibit just sticks out in the open, not special area.  The background is just plain walls, sitting on the floor.  I have an open mind, but it looks like something high school students can make.  There is a large head of a little girl, then a small doll on her leg.  Maybe it is supposed to mean that the little girl is doll-like also, even though she plays with dolls.   I like the lighting on the girl's legs, to show off the small doll.   Shape and Mass are important here, i am curious why the shape of the little girl is a square, instead of soft corners. 
      The second picture is "Still Life" by Tom Wesselman, from the United States in 1962.  The theme is a everyday scene in someone's house, in the kitchen.   The exhibit is organized like a house.  The artwork is listed as a mixed media sculpture.   What's interesting is some of it is 3-Dimension.   But the sink is very old, like the 1960's, nobody has sinks that bad in their house these days.  Some old soap, SOS, and other everyday random things in the cabinet.   The artwork of the bread, bananas, and pop is painted on.   An interesting mix of 3-D and 2-D.  The lighting is very bright over the sink.   The element of light, color, and lines are important.  So are proportion and scale with the 3-D coming at you.   I liked this display.
     The third artwork is "Cinema" by George Segal in 1964, from the United States.  The media is plaster, illuminated plexiglas, and metal combined in a sculpture. This is really a cool piece of art.  The exhibit setting is very dark, so this makes the art really show up better.  The lighted up movie display is very bright like Broadway, and really catches your eye, and it makes you stare at it.  The walls are just basic plain walls.   The man is putting, or removing, an rated R label.   The sculpture of the man is kind of spooky, with the plaster look to him...that should have been done more realistic, since the rest of the art looks realistic.   CINEMA is faded a bit, for an effect of age.  Light and Value are important elements of this piece. 

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